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An innovative collaboration that results in a better project outcome or has a significant positive impact to an ethnic group, workforce, customers, community or the environment.
To be envied
Demonstrated collaboration at each stage of the project, that shows a visionary approach to project management.
Recognition for building and fostering a relationship that has resulted in extraordinary outcomes. The relationship may be between two or more engineering firms or between an engineering firm and another organisation such as a not for profit, iwi or community.
A project that has drawn on the skills and expertise of each partner to create something they could not have done on their own.
A partnership that has maximised value to the partners, client or wider community through the combination of skills and expertise of all involved.
Entries are open to teams, firms or other groups
Work substantially completed in New Zealand, by engineers who are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents
May include work by non-engineers
Work substantially completed between November 2020 and November 2022
Do not have to be Engineering New Zealand members
Judging criteria
Vision – concept, opportunity and creative idea
Design – creative and technical process
Delivery – technical achievement
Impact – value and how it's made a difference
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